Home for the weekend from Southern California. So good to sleep in my own bed and spend time in my sewing room. Traveling on short flights in small planes isn't a lot of fun. Learning alot and my head is full of new facts. Hopefully I can keep them straight come Monday when it starts again.
This is another of the quilts given as Christmas gifts last year. It was the only one that I managed to get finished before Christmas. The quilt went together pretty quickly.
The block is based on one I found in the 2009 Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks collector's edition. It was called Texas Circle Around by Lynn Roddy Brown (lynnroddybrown.com). I changed the center to a four patch instead of a plain square.
It really stretched my comfort zone to make this quilt. I'm not used to making scrap quilts. Kind of scary for me. I've begun a third one using the same fabrics since I now have a plastic bin full of these fabric scraps :)
It is titled "David's Quilt". Sorry, most of my quilts get names like that. Not very imaginative but functional when you live with a person who, after living in our current home over 15 years, cannot remember our neighbor's names unless you include which house they live in. So we have "Jennifer down the street", "Tomas in the two-story on the corner", etc..
Well, got to get back to actually sewing instead of blogging. Time at home is very precious nowadays.